Sex Ed for Parents
Who wants to launch their kids well in a complex world? You do. This course offers accurate, no-shame information and practical methods for helping your children develop healthy sexuality and connections.
We Start With You
Now What?
What is positive self-value? Brainstorm.
How to Instill Positive Self-Value
What Does "No-Shame" Accurate Information Mean?
Before Puberty
During Puberty
Sexually Active
What Does It Mean to Be Socially Healthy?
Developing Social Health
Common Q & A
Additional Resources
Feedback Please!
The Historical Perspective
Self-Value from Creation
No-Shame from Song of Solomon
Social Health from the Sermon on the Mount
Implementing a Biblical Worldview
“The Sex Ed for Parents course has been a great resource for me. My favorite thing about it was Brandi’s approach to sex ed— it started at such an unexpected, curious, connecting place, and then moved into practical and helpful steps. By the time we were discussing sex, we were prepared and surprised that we had been discussing it all along! It was easy to follow, well structured, and it included great questions to process with my husband and my kids. The videos were very encouraging. I loved Brandi’s tone and pace. It was so doable and affordable!”